

Stay up to date with upcoming programs, events, hunts, and retreats:


You are already Psychic. Learn to tap into your gifts for yourself and others.

Get Certified: A 6 month online psychic development group training + mentorship program to unlock psychic abilities, connect back to the wisdom of the soul, expand consciousness, and help others do the same. 

With Spiritual Coach, Psychic Channel, Akashic Records Reader & Paranormal Investigator Lauren Holder Flynn

Enrolment for the next cohort begins January 12th, 2024.


You hear the calling, don’t you?

Learn the skills and practices that will take the guesswork out of psychic development and teach you how to be a professional practitioner of the psychic arts. Learn to accurately + ethically give readings to others and start charging for your work.

Not wanting to do this work professionally? The Academy of Psychic Development is still for you! The skills taught in this program will allow you to live in alignment with your soul, become best friends with the spirit world, and be your own best guide.

Enrolment for the next cohort begins January 12th, 2024. Join the waitlist now to receive an exclusive waitlist only discount!

THE ORACLE WITHIN is a psychic development training program for the spiritually novice looking to develop their psychic abilities and connect back to the wisdom of their soul so that they can live out their highest potential.

The Academy of Psychic Development is for you if you’re desiring to…

  • Take your psychic soul gifts to the next level and create impact + abundance
  • Explore and develop your psychic gifts to not only enhance your own life but also to step into working with, guiding and improving the lives of others
  • Explore & master the steps to connecting with the spirit world for guidance, support (& fun!)
  • Learn the ways we receive information and determine your primary method  & develop your skill of receiving messages 
  • Learn how to access the Akashic Records and past life exploration + healing
  • Have the confidence to fully be seen for your spiritual gifts, and trust in the messages that come through
  • Develop the skills to manage and cleanse your energetic body
  • Balance your humanness and divineness. Learn how to work through challenging beliefs and understand the importance of honoring both our human and soul for ultimate connection
  • Experience greater levels of  inner peace, joy, and fulfillment. Shift into playfulness. Feel peace knowing there is something that exists beyond this physical world
  • Feel more at home with yourself and develop greater self-love. Feel a deeper connection with yourself and the universe. Shift into clarity and soul-alignment
  • Learn to accurately + ethically read for others and feel confident to charge for your services if you feel so called
  • Become part of a community of like-hearted souls
  • Become a professional psychic reader, learn how to ethically + accurately read for others,  and generate greater levels of abundance in your life (& build your legacy!)

The Academy of Psychic Development also helps you work through…

  • Confusion and accountability. You’re drawn to spiritual and psychic development, interested in taking your gifts to the next level, but aren’t sure where to start and don’t want to do it alone
  • Being seen for your gifts. You’re scared to show this side of yourself with the world
  • Distinguishing between spirit messages and thoughts. Lacking self-confidence in yourself and abilities
  • Self-doubt and trusting yourself
  • Lack of self-connection or inner fulfillment
  • Setting boundaries and often take on the energy of others
  • Balancing being a soul having a human experience

The Academy of Psychic Development is a conduit for connecting back to the spiritual realm and exploring the worlds beyond ours. There is much to discover in the other worlds that can bring you back home to yourself, and expand your capacity for joy, fulfillment and love. Together, we will make the unseen seen, and like an archaeologist looking for lost relics, you will discover your soul in new and mystical ways.

“Lauren is an absolutely amazing teacher. In the six months that I’ve been working with Lauren, my psychic abilities have multiplied immensely! If you’re looking to join a supportive community of like minded people to expand your spiritual gifts with, this is it!”

Magic awaits….

You’re always welcome here. You have a deep inner knowing that you’re meant for more and destined for greatness.

Imagine what your life could be like when you’re able to tune into your intuition on demand, re-discover your soul wisdom, and connect with your spirit team on a daily basis! All while helping others through professional readings if you so choose!

Everyone has psychic abilities, and yours is just waiting to flourish!

About your guide

Hi, I’m Lauren!

I’ve been dancing with Spirit for the past 10 years. What started as an interest in ghosts, turned into a full-on passion for all things intuitive, psychic and paranormal. It’s not an overstatement when I say this work has literally changed my life. What was a dream even just 4 years ago is now my reality thanks to the skills and practices you’ll learn in this program. 

I recall countless moments as a child where my psychic abilities were strong. I would often have prophetic dreams, and could sense spirits around me. But I pushed these aside until 9 years ago when I was reintroduced to ghost hunts. I still didn’t take this passion seriously until 2018 when my emotional world came crashing down. On and off in my twenties, I suffered from random but bad bouts of anxiety. During these waves I would feel disconnected from society, and from myself. However, the last bout in 2018 became a catalyst of change. The anxiety had impacted my eating, sleeping, relationships, self-image, sanity, and health. 

I had lost my sense of self and was stuck in a loop of overthinking. I remember the moment so vividly: one night I woke up – sweating, heart racing, anxiety pulsing through my mind and body. I took a deep breath and thought “this is not who I am, it’s simply something I’m experiencing. It doesn’t define me”. And it was at this time that I felt a strong presence, something that wasn’t of this world, that felt like a warm hug from a friend. And there began my journey into healing and connecting back to my soul. Spirit would often leave my signs and symbols that I was on that right track. It was not an easy process by any means (healing rarely is and everyone’s journey is different), but bit by bit I was able to put myself back together and start feeling like me again. I came out on the other side with a burning desire to work with the spiritual realm in a more serious way. After-all, my connection to the spirit world helped me immensely during this time of healing and Spiritual Awakening.

I truly believe I was meant to experience anxiety so that I could discover this path and serve others. Fast-forward to today and from this work I’ve experienced many deep moments of gratitude, love, joy, inner-peace and fulfillment, and am reminded daily that we are never alone. My strong connection with intuition, soul and spirit has allowed me to open myself up to amazing experiences, people and impact. It has allowed me to build a business that serves the collective while simultaneously allowing abundance to flow into my life. I can honestly say I am the happiest and fulfilled I’ve ever been!


Within the Academy of Psychic Development, you will journey into the wisdom of your soul, illuminate your psychic abilities, and become a strong conduit of guidance for yourself and others.

Experience the magic....

The Academy of Psychic Development INCLUDES…

  • 8 pre-recorded modules OF INSPIRING & EYE-OPENING TEACHINGS, dripped to be completed in a span of 12-weeks. Each module includes PDF written teachings, supporting training videos, and homework practices to solidify your learning,  including meditation, subliminal, and/or hypnosis audios to guide you 
  • 6 months access to 60-minute weekly group mentorship/coaching calls
  • Surprise virtual workshops (including, but not limited to, full moon rituals, business development, etc)!
  • Surprise Guest Speakers!
  • Private Slack channel to connect with other members of the program and to ask questions, practice, and maintain a sense of community

**Note: To get certified, students must log 12 hours of psychic readings, and submit a 10 minute recorded reading and a write up of the experience (must be completed within 12 months of starting the program).

Lifetime access to the program platform and slack channel to deepen your learning at any time.

Daily or weekly practice is recommended. We encourage you to utilize the support of the community to practice with each other. Practice is key!

You’ll be fully safe and supported on your journey, surrounded by a community of beautiful souls like yourself.

“Leaning into my spiritual gifts and learning more about them and “how they work” has changed my life. It’s helped me understand myself better and connect with the “why” I am the way that I am and helped increase my confidence. Having more of an understanding around my own “inner knowing” and intuition has been priceless. I’m so excited the more I learn!”

The Academy of Psychic Development Curriculum:

Learn some of the most impactful and life-enhancing skills you can carry with you for the rest of your life. The first 3 months of the program you’ll be focused on learning and developing your skills, and the last 3 months of the program you’ll be focused on giving readings to others in order to hone and perfect your abilities. 

The course modules are dripped weekly or bi-monthly, and you’ll be encouraged to complete the course within the first 3 months. 


Soul Prep

  • Learn how to create a sacred space and the importance of daily ritual
  • Create your own daily ritual that will aid in a deeper spiritual and soul connection
  • Learn what a “Spirit Book” is, and begin to create your own
  • Understand the importance of intentions, and set your own intention for your time in the program
  • A channeled message from Spirit, just for you, as you begin to embark on this journey
  • Guided MP3 Meditation: Grounding + Love

Module One

Introduction to Intuition & Metaphysics

  • Learn the modern history of speaking with spirit
  • Learn the differences between psychic, mediumship, and channeling 
  • Understand what intuition, spirit and soul is, and learn about the different dimensions of existence
  • Understand what energy is, and how it relates to the human electromagnetic field and aura
  • Learn the first, and often overlooked, step in unlocking your intuitive and psychic abilities
  • Learn about the importance of discernment on your spiritual journey 
  • Guided MP3 Hypnosis: Meet Your Spirit Guide

Module Two

How We Receive Information: The different Clairs

  • Learn how spirit speaks to us and how we receive intuitive information and messages from the spirit realm
  • Learn who we receive information and messages from
  • Learn and understand about the different Clair’s, including practical exercises to strengthen and discover your main ones
  • Learn the key skill that will make interpreting messages easy, and how to begin building trust in your abilities
  • MP3 Subliminal: Open yourself up to receive

Module Three

Open Yourself up to Receive

  • Learn about the NLP Model of Reality and how it impacts how you perceive the world around you
  • Learn about the subconscious mind and how it runs the show in our human existence
  • Understand how limiting beliefs and past life events can impact your psychic abilities in this lifetime
  • Learn the main psychic blocks and how to remove them. Understand your blocks and begin to tear them down
  • Understand the importance of grounding and energetic work, and how it can be the key to connecting to the spirit world
  • Introduction to your chakras and learn how to maintain and cleanse these energetic systems
  • Learn one of the best self-led energetic healing techniques
  • Guided MP3 Hypnosis: Past Life Regression, Quantum Time Healing
  • Guided MP4 Video: EFT Tapping

Module Four

The Six Steps to Connecting with the Spirit World

  • Learn the six steps to connecting with the spirit world. Learn the detailed process for each step and understand its importance  in the process
  • Customize the six steps so that your connection protocol is unique for you 
  • Understand the importance of energetic cleansing and maintenance. Learn specific energetic cleansing techniques
  • Learn how to interpret spirit messages and the importance of discernment 
  • Learn the key to developing confidence in your abilities, and learn to trust the messages that come through
  • Learn how to channel, and understand the difference between channeling and psychic/mediumship readings
  • A channeled message from spirit about connecting to their realm
  • Guided MP3 Meditations: Opening your third eye + chakras, Energetic Cleansing + Protection, Cord Cutting
  • MP3 Subliminal: Confidence

Module Five

My Top 3 Favorite Divination Tools

  • Oracle cards: the history and purpose of oracle cards,  how to use oracle cards, and how to incorporate them into your daily practice
  • Spirit Boards: the history and purpose of spirit boards, how to use spirit boards, and how to incorporate them into your daily practice
  • Pendulums: the history and purpose of pendulums, how to use pendulums, and how to incorporate them into your daily practice
  • A brief introduction to crystals and how they can aid in psychic development
  • Learn the simple skill of automatic writing to gain direct spiritual guidance from your higher self

Module Six

Learn how to Read the Akashic Records

  • Learn the modern history of the Akashic Records
  • Mainstream akashic records vs my beliefs about them, including my beliefs on soul contracts and karma 
  • Learn why the Akashic Records are considered the book of your soul
  • Learn what the Akashic Records are, what you’ll find there, and how they can be a gateway for healing + discovery
  • Learn who you’ll meet in the Records, and what can be discovered in them
  • Learn the various ways to access the Akashic Records, and figure out what method works best for you
  • Learn how to explore past and future lives, and why this can be beneficial for healing
  • Guided MP3 Meditation: Grounding Akashic Records Meditation

Module Seven

A Psychic Reading Demo

  • Watch as I facilitate a virtual psychic reading demo 
  • Learn as I deconstruct the reading in order to bring the learnings together

Module Eight

Becoming a Professional Psychic Reader

  • Learn how to properly hold space for yourself and others
  • Learn how to prepare for and set up a private session/private reading
  • Learn the ethics of psychic readings and learn how to ethically read for others
  • An introduction to business development for psychics, channelers, soul guides and mediums
  • My biggest lessons and previous challenges as a Psychic Reader
  • My top recommendations for running a smooth practice
  • Brainstorm and create your first service/offer!
  • Guided MP3 Subliminals: Calling in Abundance, Calling in Aligned Clients
  • Guided MP3 Hypnosis: Abundance & Money
  • Guided EFT Tapping Video: Release Money Blocks

Includes 12 (dripped with course content) meditations, hypnosis and subliminal audios included in the program!

“Lauren embodies the words “soul guidance” and has become a true blessing in my life. She has/had put into words what I’ve always felt. Lauren has helped me with my spiritual and self-healing journey. With the things I have learned I am able to embrace my own power with love, light, and confidence!”

Join me for your own magical journey of discovery….

Certification Registration

Invest in your transformation!

Get started on your psychic development journey today. Enrolment for our next cohort begins January 12th.

How it works: With registration, you are granted immediate access to The Academy of Psychic Development course platform and the content will begin to be dripped weekly. You must complete the course, attend 50% of the live mentorship calls, log 12 hours of practice readings, and submit a 10 minute reading recording in order to receive your certification.

You are able to enroll at any time starting September 26th 2023. Join the waitlist now to receive an exclusive waitlist only discount!


$1,997 (+tax)

  • 8 pre-recorded modules OF INSPIRING & EYE-OPENING TEACHINGS, dripped to be completed in a span of 12-weeks. Each module includes PDF written teachings, supporting training videos, and homework practices to solidify your learning,  including meditation, subliminal, and/or hypnosis audios to guide you 
  • 6 months access to 60-minute weekly group mentorship/coaching calls
  • Surprise virtual workshops (recorded)!
  • Surprise Guest Speakers (recorded)!
  • Private Slack channel to connect with other members of the program and to ask questions, practice, and maintain a sense of community
  • Lifetime access to the program platform & slack channel so you can re-start and dive deeper at any time
  • Pay in full bonus: 1:1 private 60-minute mentorship call with Lauren (value: $222 CAD)

Payment Plan:

3 months: $699 (+tax)/month
6 months: $349 (+tax)/month
8 months: $262 (+tax)/month

  • 8 pre-recorded modules OF INSPIRING & EYE-OPENING TEACHINGS, dripped to be completed in a span of 12-weeks. Each module includes PDF written teachings, supporting training videos, and homework practices to solidify your learning,  including meditation, subliminal, and/or hypnosis audios to guide you 
  • 6 months access to 60-minute weekly group mentorship calls (practice + Q&A)
  • Surprise virtual workshops (recorded)!
  • Surprise Guest Speakers (recorded)!
  • Private Slack channel to connect with other members of the program and to ask questions, practice, and maintain a sense of community
  • Lifetime access to the program platform & slack channel so you can re-start and dive deeper at any time.


Yes! With registration, you get instant access to the Pre-Study and Module One content, as well as the Slack channel. Remaining modules are dripped weekly or bi-monthly. TAPD also includes lifetime access to the program platform & slack channel so you can re-start and dive deeper at any time. Join the waitlist now to be notified when the program opens for enrolment on January 12th, 2024.

The group mentorship calls are currently scheduled weekly on Tuesdays. The times may vary to accommodate for different time zones (a calendar of month ahead call times will be posted in your portal). These calls will not be recorded. All calls will be held live on Zoom.

This is really up to you. To get the most out of the program, we encourage daily practice but understand life can get busy. Be sure to put aside 3-6 hours per week for the course videos and practice time.

Yes! Everyone has psychic abilities. It is a myth that only a select few have this gift. It is our inherent birthright. This program will teach you how!

Short answer, no. This course is foundational to any spirit work. You’ll learn how to connect to your spirit guides, ancestors, divine source, the different dimensions, and your soul. We will explore mediumship, but it will not be a comprehensive guide to connecting with friends and family that have passed. I recommend joining an Evidential Mediumship program for this. 

No! This program is specifically designed for those that are looking to dive deeper into their abilities and/or learn to read for others.

Yay! Congratulations on embarking on the next stage of your spiritual journey! I am so honoured to guide you and proud of you for making this commitment! Upon enrolment you will receive a welcome email with next steps and a link to access the learning platform.

Your Guide, Lauren Holder Flynn

Spiritual Coach, Psychic Channel, Mentor & Paranormal Investigator

As a Psychic Development Teacher, Lauren is obsessed with learning more about the worlds beyond ours. She has facilitated psychic readings for many people, and now focuses her time on teaching others how to communicate with the spiritual realm through her virtual certification and workshops, retreats & ghost hunts. When she’s not speaking with spirit, you can find her cuddling/walking her two dogs, exploring museums, antique shopping, and spending time with her family, friends, and husband Sean.

You can also find her managing many of the different walks at The Ghost Walks. She is also a Paranormal Investigator with The Ontario Paranormal Society. 

  • Certified Holistic Coach – Goal Imagery Institute
  • Advanced Spiritual Hypnotherapy Program – Better Life Now with Susan Turner
  • Psychic Development and Mediumship Training  – Dawn McConnell 
  • Paranormal and Paranormal Investigations Training – The Ghost Walks
  • Akashic Records Training – Ashley Mondor
  • NLP, Hypnosis and EFT studies – Yes Supply
  • Various independent readings, learnings and hours of practice
  • Currently completing my Bachelors + PhD in Para-Anthropology (includes Metaphysics, Parapsychology, Hypnosis, and Spiritual Counseling/Coaching) – IMHS Metaphysics Institute 
  • Honors Bachelor of Commerce – McMaster University
  • MBA – Ryerson University

Weekly Breakdown


Introduction & Intuition

Metaphysics & the different realms

Self-Awareness/sitting in power

Intuition exercises

Grounding and energetic work



How we Receive Information

The different clairs

Spirit guides, the soul, higher self, and the other side

Determine your best psychic senses



Open Yourself up to Receive

Energetic healing

Subconscious re-programming




Meet your Spirit Team

Grounding & energetic work con’t.

Creating a sacred space

Different ways to connect with your spirit guides



Create your Process

Create your own process to connect easily and effortlessly

Interpreting messages

How to build trust and confidence



Soul Guidance Part 1

Learn how to access your Akashic Records (temple of your soul)



Soul Guidance Part 2

Discover your souls highest path

Explore Past Lives

Healing in the Records



Integration Week



Practice, practice, practice!



Reading for Others

Learn how to read for others

Ethics & best practices



Closing Ceremony

Moving forward with your gifts

Celebrate how far you’ve come!

I am so proud of you for taking the time to be here and I celebrate you for reading this. You are not here by accident. Listen to the intuitive calling and follow its nudges. You are destined to achieve great things, and it’s a privilege for me to guide you on your journey.